24. junij 2020
Pesem objavljamo v angleškem jeziku, verjamemo, da jo boste razumeli. Še ena potrditev, da si vsi želimo biti obravnavani enakopravno.
Dreams of a Deafblind Person, Alex Garcia
I dream that one day... I will be "less" invisible for Humankind.
I dream that one day… Humankind will recover the patience it has lost.
I dream that one day… Humankind will recover its wisdom and will understand my communication.
I dream that one day… Humankind will be close again as in ancient times.
I dream that one day… Humankind will be free of prejudice and will be able to touch me without any fear.
I dream that one day… I won’t be "just a brick in the wall" anymore, as Pink Floyd said in the song "Another brick in the wall".
I dream that one day… I won’t need to "drink from the same water fountain" as Carl Jung, one of the founders of modern Psychoanalysis, said.
I dream that one day… Humankind will be able to eliminate the label that deafblindness is the most terrifying condition.
I dream that one day… Humankind will assume that "being alone" doesn’t mean to be abandoned.
I dream that one day… I will sow the "loneliness" that deafblindness imposes us as a possible aim to be enjoyed because we won’t be afraid of ourselves.
I dream that one day… I will change the pre-assumptions concerning my identity and the sentence which is currently repeated "Poor thing, he/she is deafblind" will be left in the past.
I dream that one day… Humankind will see my being and will indeed value my essence as my fight and then will say "Great! He/she is a deafblind person".
I dream that one day… I will erase the shame from Humankind’s mind as a tool of controlling.
I dream that one day… Humankind will understand and value that all people are a Divine Creations: alike, however, incomplete.
I dream that one day… I will not just "exist" but actually "be".
I dream that one day… I will learn to be "strong" so that nothing can defeat me.
I dream that one day… I will be "me" so nobody will forget me.
I dream that one day… My dreams will design the future.
I dream that one day… Humankind will be "human".