20 December 2016
Our new ambassador, but not the least, is mother of blind girl Mia. We are very happy and proud to have parents among ambassadors.
Thanks to Nina Kosec, who translated her text in English, we are publishing this kind words in both languages.
English version:I’m a mother of a blind girl. She attends 6th grade in a normal primary school. At home as well as at school we are faced with many challenges.
When mr. Željko introduced Feelif, I was thrilled about the idea. The product was initially developed to help the literacy for the blind and visually impaired, deaf-blind. Because we successfully completed this phase already, I asked myself, how could this be beneficial for us, for example for older kids. That’s how I imagined a plotted graph on a tablet, a complex function, so that with the help of Feelif my daughter could see as well. It’s true that you can draw the function on the positive film. But if you want a quick check to see how it looks, you can transfer it onto Feelif. Which means that there’s no need to search all the features that are safely tucked in math binder.
But when I learned more about Feelif, I am pleased to note that the application at the moment when it is placed on a tablet or a smartphone, combines several technical aids needed by the blind into one. A lot of value applications also represents the fact that we didn’t take up any extra space. When using almost all technical devices, the blind are forced to sit at the table making it impossible for them to be moved. Feelif makes it just that, it can be used anywhere, anytime. Without the user being dependent on the source of the electricity or the room...
We look forward to the day when Feelif will live on the market, find the way to the end users and will be affordable to all.
Slovenian version:
Sem mama slepe deklice. Ker obiskuje že 6. razred redne osnovne šole, smo tako doma, kot tudi v šoli, postavljeni pred vedno večje izzive.
Ko nam je g. Željko predstavil Feelif, sem bila navdušena nad idejo. Izdelek je bil v začetku razvit za pomoč pri opismenjevanju slepih in slabovidnih, gluho-slepih. Ker smo mi to fazo že uspešno zaključili, sem se vprašala, kako bi lahko bila koristna za nas, oz. za starejše otroke. Takoj sem si predstavljala na tablici izrisan graf, zapleteno funkcijo, ki bi jo lahko s pomočjo Feelifa videla tudi Mia. Že res, da se lahko funkcije rišejo tudi na pozitivno folijo. Vendar, če želiš na hitro preveriti, kako določena izgleda, jo lahko preveriš na tablici. Kar pomeni, da ni treba iskati med vsemi narisanimi funkcijami, ki so na varnem v fasciklu za matematiko.
Ko pa sem Feelif bolj spoznala, sem z zadovoljstvom ugotovila, da v bistvu aplikacija v trenutku, ko jo namestimo na tablico ali pametni telefon, združi več tehničnih pripomočkov, ki jih potrebujejo slepi, v enega. Veliko vrednost aplikacije predstavlja tudi dejstvo, da ne zavzame nobenega dodatnega prostora. Pri uporabi skoraj vseh tehničnih pripomočkov, so slepi in slabovidni prisiljeni sedeti za mizo, nemogoče jih je prenašati naokrog. Feelif pa omogoča ravno to. Uporabljati ga je mogoče kjerkoli in kadarkoli. Brez da bi bil uporabnik odvisen od vira električne energije, prostora...
Veselimo se dneva, ko bo Feelif zaživel na trgu, našel pot do končnih uporabnikov in bo cenovno dostopen vsem.