Feelif, feeling life

Feelif Creator


Learn more. Do more.

  • Tactile resolution relief grid
    • Feelif Creator gridStandard:
      • at least 23x30 dots
  • Included Apps (16)
    • Feelif Games
      Battleships, Chess, Connect Four, Farm Game, Memory, Snakes & Ladders, Tic-Tac-Toe
    • Feelif Applications
      Camera, Picture Gallery, Browser, Phone, Feelbook Player - personal licence for first year included
    • Feelif Education
      Draw, Geometric Functions, Learning Braille, Shapes
  • Included Content (full)
    • FeelBooks (full access)
      Find the Mammal, Christmas Story, Weather, Count to 10, African Animals, Shapes and Graphs, Learning Notes, Map of USA, Map of EU.
    • New content (full access)
      Access to new content (apps and tactile books) on Feelif Platform
  • Technical specification
    • Device powered by Samsung
      Samsung Tablet 10,5" screen or more
    • Languages
      English, German, French, Turkish, Slovenian, Swedish, Norwegian
  • Device warranty
    2 years
  • Money-back guarantee
    14 days
  • For personal use only. For business use, contact us.
Select device language:
2.000,00 €
OR as low as 100€/month with Splitit

Device warranty
2 years of Samsung standard limited warranty for the hardware devices.

Money-back guarantee
We offer you a risk-free purchase if the device does not suit you for any reason. In this case, you can return the product within 14 days, and we will return the money to you.

Available in 7 languages
Feelif content is available in English, German, French, Swedish, Norwegian, Turkish and Slovenian.

FREE worldwide delivery
We offer you a free worldwide delivery, secured and with tracking.

Monthly payments
Split your purchase with interest FREE monthly payments using our partner Splitit.

Feelif Creator enables you to do so much more

Bigger screen, higher resolution and educational apps. Great for home or office when you want to get a bit more done. Everything the Gamer does and more.

Bigger screen, higher resolution and educational apps

Experience more everyday

Feelif Creator can be there all day every day. Explore our full library of content and explore and engage with the digital world. The Feelif Creator is packed with the essentials to support learning and make everyday more enjoyable.


Create and share

Create digital artwork and share it with friends and family. Feelif Draw application gives you the opportunity to draw in colors and feel your artworks details.

Drawing with feelif

Feelif Content

The Feelif Creator comes fully loaded with Feelif content. The Feelif Creator will keep you entertained, keep you learning and keep you developing new skills thanks to all of our exclusive content.


A multi-sensory world

The innovative Feelif technology which is used in the Feelif Creator provides a truly multi-sensory experience. The Feelif Creator’s special tactile grid uses vibration to transfer the digital world to your finger tips. Play games, draw, take photos, learn something new. Engage with the digital world everyday and learn more, do more.


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Device warranty
2 years of Samsung standard limited warranty for the hardware devices.

Money-back guarantee
We offer you a risk-free purchase if the device does not suit you for any reason. In this case, you can return the product within 14 days, and we will return the money to you.

Available in 7 languages
Feelif content is available in English, German, French, Swedish, Norwegian, Turkish and Slovenian.

FREE worldwide delivery
We offer you a free worldwide delivery, secured and with tracking.

Monthly payments
Split your purchase with interest FREE monthly payments using our partner Splitit.